
Snowmobile & Recreational Vehicle Storage

snowmobile storage

As another winter comes to an end, many snowmobile owners just put them in their backyard and forget about them until winter rolls around again. Snowmobiles and other recreational vehicles can be very expensive. If left unprotected from the elements, you risk cracked hoses, rust formation and corrosion.

The proper steps should be taken when putting it away for the summer so it’s ready to go when the snow flies again. You want it to stay in great shape for many years to come. By spending a couple hours to properly store your vehicle for the summer, you eliminate the possibility of damage and a lot of headaches.

Make sure that before doing any maintenance on any vehicle, you always look through your user’s manual first.

Here are some simple tips for storing your snowmobile or recreational vehicle properly at the end of the season.

1. Treat The Fuel
2. Fog The Engine
3. Grease The Chassis
4. Protect The Metal
5. Clean Every Part
6. Remove The Battery
7. Store Properly
8. Invest In A Storage Unit Rental

Treat The Fuel

Over time, fuel can degrade. As the fuel evaporates, it can cause the carburetor and other engine parts to corrode. However, you also do not want to store your recreational vehicle with an empty gas tank. This can cause seals to dry out.

Before storing your vehicle, fill the tank at least half way and pour in a fuel stabilizer. They are designed to reduce evaporation of solvents. Always make sure to read the directions on the bottle of the fuel stabilizer to make sure you are adding the correct amount.

After adding the fuel stabilizer, start the engine and let it run for a few minutes. This will ensure the treated fuel is spread throughout the entire system.

Fog The Engine

When storing your recreational vehicle, it is essential to coat the inside of the engine with a fogging oil to prevent engine failure. This protects engine parts from air, moisture and corrosion by displacing moisture from metal.

Fogging the engine, along with adding a fuel stabilizer, will help reduce the chance of engine problems in the fall.

There may be slight differences in how to properly fog your engine, as there are a few different ways to do it. Always check the owner’s manual first before doing any maintenance.

Grease The Chassis

Greasing your suspension and drivetrain is a great way to keep the suspension and steering systems working smoothly. The grease will push out all of the old, broken-down grease and dirt deposits that have accumulated during the season and fill all of the small voids so moisture won’t accumulate inside.

You don’t need to worry about going overboard with the grease, as you can’t overdue it. Doing this will prevent rust and corrosion.

Protect The Metal

Metal parts will always be susceptible to the possibility of rust and corrosion because of moisture. An easy way to protect the metal parts of your snowmobile, or other recreational vehicle, is to lightly spray them with WD-40®. When spraying, always make sure to be careful not to spray any other parts, such as belts.

Clean Every Part

After a season of playing in the snow, salt, mud and other debris can be built up on your recreational vehicle. Storing away your vehicle without cleaning all of this off can lead to rust and corrosion.

Protect it and make sure it has a long life by thoroughly cleaning it before putting it away for the summer. Giving it a good clean and wipe down is also a great way to look for cracks or any other damage and get it addressed right away.

Find a good degreaser and spray the underside. Let it soak in for a few minutes before washing it off. Make sure to pick up a special cleaner for the seat. The last thing you want is to have a slippery seat and slide off the seat on your first ride.

Remove The Battery

Batteries can be quite sensitive and they are not cheap. Removing it and storing your battery properly is essential. They need to be stored off the ground, in a place that is dry and doesn’t have severe temperature changes. You’ll want to keep your battery charged and ready to go when needed again, so make sure to attach a trickle charger.

Store Properly

Store your snowmobile off the ground. Moisture can come up from the ground or cement floor and damage the rubber. This can cause them to break down and cause other parts to rust.

Use a fitted cover to protect it from dust, dirt and other contaminants. To protect the components under the hood from unwanted pests, throw some mothballs under it. Plug up the exhaust and any other places where rodents could enter the snowmobile. This will prevent them from getting in. Always remember to remove anything that is plugging up holes in your sled before starting it.

Invest In A Storage Unit Rental

A self storage unit is a safe, affordable and convenient way to store your snowmobile, recreational vehicles or other seasonal items. A self storage unit will give you lots of storage space to store your vehicle as well as keep it clean and dry.

At Riel Park RV & Self Storage, we have drive-up access units that make it easy to load and unload your recreational vehicle. We offer both short term and long term storage solutions.

With a fully fenced compound, great lighting, individual access code gated entry, multiple security cameras and mobile security patrols, you can rest assured that your items are safe and secure.  Conveniently located minutes from downtown St. Albert and in close proximity to Anthony Henday and St. Albert Trail.

Give one of our storage rental experts a call today at 780-459-6435 or rent or reserve a unit online.

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