Spring Cleaning Using Self Storage | Elite Self Storage

Spring Cleaning Using Self Storage

Basket with cleaning supplies, rags and gloves

Spring is here and it is the time many of us decide to clean and organize our home.   Renting a self storage unit can help make your spring cleaning easier and help with reducing clutter in your home.  A storage locker in Edmonton is a great place to store extra household items you can't live without or seasonal items such as holiday decorations or lawn furniture.

Spring is also the time for home improvement and remodeling projects.  Instead of tripping over boxes or furniture during your renovation project,  consider renting a short-term storage unit.   At Elite Self Storage Edmonton, we have no long term contracts, security deposits or admin fees.    

If your spring cleaning project includes cleaning carpets or repainting, consider moving your furniture into self storage until you are done.


1.  Rent Your Storage Unit Before You Need It

Make sure you rent your storage unit prior to starting your spring cleaning so you don't have to move things twice.  You want your spring cleaning to be as enjoyable as possible, having your storage unit ready to go will save you lots of time and hassle.

2.  Declutter and Organize

Decluttering makes you more efficient and keeps you organized.   Research has shown that physical clutter can affect our brain's ability to concentrate and process information.   A disorganized home adds to your stress level. 

Deep clean your cupboards, cabinets, shelves & closets.  If you have dishes, small appliances, furniture or other items you are no longer using and want to save for when your children move out, pack them up and place them in a self storage unit.   Make sure everything that you are keeping in your home is something you need access to regularly and has a place.

Baby items, heirlooms, antiques and extra furniture can be stored in a storage unit to free up space in your home.  Renting a storage unit in Edmonton at Elite Self Storage will help you keep the clutter down and create space for your every day items. 

3.  Work from Top to Bottom

It's important to start from the ceiling down.  This will force debris downward and keep you from having to re-dust or re-clean your space.  Start with dusting and washing ceiling fans and light fixtures.

Wipe down walls and dust your furniture and other items before vacuuming all the dust and debris off your floors.  

4.  Don't Forget About the Garage & Shed

Your garage and shed should be part of your spring cleaning project as well.   Free up space in your garage by storing your spare tires, paddle boards, kayaks, and ski or snowboard equipment in a self storage unit. 

5.  Organize Your Storage Unit

Make sure you label all the boxes and keep an inventory of what you are storing in your storage unit.  It's important to pack and store things according to when you will need them.  Put items you will need to frequently access at the front of the storage space.  

Optimize your storage unit by using shelving to stack boxes. Try to make aisles within your storage unit so your items are more easily accessible.

Elite Self Storage sells various sizes of boxes to help with your decluttering project.   Our storage rental experts can help you choose the perfect size of self storage unit for your spring cleaning needs.  Give us a call today at  780-452-8242.  We offer climate controlled storage, indoor heated storage, indoor vehicle storage and RV Storage.

Conveniently located in Edmonton, close to Whitemud Freeway, Anthony Henday and Gateway Boulevard.  Elite Self Storage South Edmonton offers a fantastic opportunity for convenience and security, with unbeatable storage pricing.

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