Handling an Estate | Self Storage

Self Storage Can Help When Handling an Estate

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In the aftermath of a personal loss, figuring out what to do with a loved one's things is easier said than done.  Becoming the executor of an estate can be incredibly challenging and stressful, especially if you're unable to stay organized.  Without organization, the timeline can grow from a few weeks to several months, or even years.  Although being an executor is hardly a walk-in-the-park, there are a few things you can do to make the process go a bit more smoothly. 

Before doing anything else, get yourself some breathing room and rent a Self Storage unit.  From having a neutral place to sort through things, to keeping precious heirlooms and other items safe from harm, Riel Park RV & Self Storage is sure to make a difference for you during this difficult time.  With a storage unit, you'll always know precisely where everything related to the estate is located.  Making use of organizational tools within your storage unit will minimize your liabilities until your executor duties have been fulfilled.


Dealing with a loved one's estate often involves dealing with a lot of bureaucratic red tape.  Extensive amounts of paperwork must often be dealt with, and much of it should be stored and kept safe.  For items that are fragile and that must be kept under lock and key, Self Storage is an excellent solution.  Climate controlled Self Storage protects documents from the damaging effects of humidity and fluctuating temperatures.  You can breathe easy knowing that your loved one's items are shielded from the elements.


Your departed loved one may have left behind family heirlooms and other keepsakes that you and others would probably like to hold on to.  Unfortunately, there are sometimes disagreements about who gets what.  Riel Park RV & Self Storage can help by offering a neutral place to sort through everything.  It can also be simply too difficult to look through such mementos immediately after their passing, and Self Storage allows you to wait until you are ready.


In many cases, the best way to manage a deceased loved one's belongings is by holding an estate sale.  It is a lot easier to organize one when you have a neutral place to sort through everything.  A Storage unit works great in these instances.  It can give you the freedom to go at your own pace without cluttering up your home or rushing out of your loved one's home.


Riel Park RV & Self Storage has a number of security features in place to keep your belongings safe and secure.  Our facility is flooded with light so you can feel comfort in knowing your belongings are safe from would be thieves.  Completely fenced in compounds and secure gate access ensures that only people with pass codes are allowed in and out; along with video camera surveillance and frequent security patrols.

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