
Condo Living: Getting Your Balcony Ready For Summer & Storing It In Winter

Condo Balcony with Furniture

Now that another long and cold winter is finally over and the weather is getting warmer, it’s the perfect time to think about organizing any outdoor space you might have. Not everyone has access to a garden to enjoy this summer, so for those of us with balconies, we have some great tips on how to make the most of your balcony space. We’ve also got some handy hints on how to store it in the future.

Start With A Plan

It’s always sensible to start off with a plan. You should take a look at the space you have available and take some measurements, just to be sure of what you’re working with. Trust us, there’s nothing more frustrating than thinking you have enough space for some furniture when you don’t! No matter how big or small your balcony, there’s a way to make it your perfect outside space for the summer. You’ll also just want to double check your condo bylaws to see if there are any aesthetic restrictions you will need to be aware of.

Finding Inspiration

You can look all around to find inspiration for your project. To get inspired for this list we looked at some of the stunning balcony decors featured by @insragrambalcony. It was great to look at some spectacular designs and to break down what makes a great small outdoor space. We were able to put this into four simple steps:

1. Floor

Balcony floors are rarely nice to look at, most often they’re plain concrete, which can work with some styles, but if you want to brighten it up a little consider some easy changes. Using some rugs, artificial grass, or even temporary flooring (if you want to go all out) you can easily change the look of your floor, and the overall feel of your space.

2. Furniture

Making your outside space comfy should be your top priority! This is where working out how much room you have to work with comes in handy. Add chairs and tables, box seating, or even a well slung hammock to give yourself the perfect place to cool off and relax.

3. Plants

Even the smallest of spaces come alive with plants. Turning your balcony into a green oasis might seem a little bit daunting, but with a little time and patience you’ll see some stunning results.

This stunning use of large and small plants from @insragrambalcony here brings the great outdoors up a few floors, with impressive results.

4. Extras

Once you are happy with your floor, furniture, and fauna, add a little something extra to firmly put your stamp on your project. Sling up some fairy lights or hanging lanterns to give your space that cozy glow in the evening. You could even add some wall art or outdoor shelves to fill it with some extra special personal touches.

Storing Your Outdoor Furniture For Winter

When winter rolls round, chances are you’re not going to want your nice balcony furniture and cushions outside to freeze. Instead of trying to find space for your balcony furniture in your apartment, put it in storage for the winter. It’s a safe and convenient way to make room in your apartment and doesn’t break the bank. Riel Park has the perfect furniture storage solutions to accommodate any outdoor furniture that needs a safe home for the winter. Our Household Storage Units are ideal for putting away and storing your seasonal items like balcony furniture, summer camping gear and more.

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