
5 Tips For Storing Your Motorcycle For The Winter

Motorcycle Storage

If you have a motorcycle, chances are, it is your pride and joy and you have invested a lot of time and money into it.

Most people do not ride their bikes in the winter and to keep it protected and lasting for many years to come, it is important to make sure it is stored properly over the winter months.

Follow these 5 simple tips for storing your motorcycle over the winter:

  1. Clean, Dry And Prep Your Entire Bike

  2. Remove The Battery

  3. Protect The Tires

  4. Protect Against Rodents

  5. Invest In Secured Storage in St Albert

Clean, Dry And Prep Your Entire Bike

The very first step before putting your bike away for the season is to give it a thorough cleaning. Anything that is left sitting on your bike, such as bugs, dust, oil, etc., will not only be harder to get off in the spring, but it could also cause damage to the finish of your bike.

This is also a great time to check over your bike and address any problems, like cracks or corrosion, before storing it away. Especially if your bike is getting stored for an extended period of time, lubricate all moving parts. Lubricate the cables, chain and controls. This will help prevent any moisture build up and keep your moving parts protected in cold and dry weather.

If your bike is being stored outside, fill up the tank and add a fuel stabilizer. This is very important to keep moisture from building up on the walls of the tank. If you will be storing your bike inside, empty the fuel and use a fogging oil to line the tank to prevent rust from developing.

Change all fluids and filters. This will protect from old fluids, such as oil, corroding engine parts.

Always make sure that your bike is completely dry before putting on a cover and storing it away. Invest in a quality cover for your bike to protect it from any elements and even dust and dirt.

Remove The Battery

Whether you decide to remove the battery or not, it is entirely up to you. It’s recommended, especially for extended periods of time, that you remove the battery. Keep it in a dry place, off of a cement floor and hook it up to a trickle charger.

If you decide keep the battery on, make sure it is fully charged before putting it into storage and make sure to start it up about once a month, for a few minutes, to let it charge.

Protect The Tires

If you are able to put your motorcycle on a stand, this is the best way to protect your tires from developing flat spots or uneven wear.

If you are not able to store your motorcycle on a stand, make sure your tires are filled to the maximum PSI allowed. Every few weeks, roll the motorcycle so you can rotate the tires and prevent any deterioration.

Protect Against Rodents

Rodents can cause a lot of damage to the components of your bike while in storage. Protect against pests by filling any open sections of your bike, such as the exhaust pipe. There are also covers made specially for the muffler, as well as other items you can purchase to protect the components of your bike.

Make sure to remove everything before starting your bike up in the spring.

Invest In Secured Storage in St Albert or Edmonton

If you don’t have the room to store your motorcycle at home, look into renting a parking spot or even a storage unit from a storage facility.

At Riel Park RV & Self Storage, we have drive-up access storage units, as well as parking stalls in our secured RV compound. With top-of-the-line security, a fully paved and fenced in compound and mobile security patrols, we have safe and secure storage solutions for your motorcycle.  Our drive up storage units come in various storage unit sizes allowing you to also store any personal or household items.  These drive up unheated storage units make loading and unloading very convenient.

Give one of our storage rental experts a call today to rent or reserve your storage space!

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